‘You’re not skinny or fat… you don’t look like you have an eating disorder’. 😅😅
I remember sitting on the wall outside on my lunch break in the brink of battling with my mental health talking to a colleague and the only thing I felt had control over was my nutrition… 🤯
I would go through periods of extreme dieting to binge eating and feeling like a complete utter failure every single time that I slipped up. 😭😭
Everytime I tried to get back on track I would listen to colleagues say things like ‘oh you shouldn’t be eating that, it’s bad for you’. 😖😫🥺🤪
I would really take these comments to heart. I would feel guilty again and then starve myself, and make myself sick. 🤪
In 2017 when I finally seeked professional help for my depression and anxiety I even came clean to my therapist about the struggles. 😏
👉 ‘Medication increases your urges to overeat’...
👉 ‘If you need help with your food struggles I will have to discharge you…’
It’s from my own personal battles that I have developed an understanding of how eating disorders can AFFECT ANYONE…. 🧐🤓
On the other side, I’m so passionate about spreading awareness of mental health. 💙💙💙
I’ll say this again
👉 Eating Disorders affect anyone of any size, any shape, any age, any gender.
If you want to help….
💚 Stop commenting on what people are eating…
Like, seriously stop. It’s not helpful.
💚 If you see someone trying to make changes to their lifestyles
👉 become supportive
👉 show encouragement
👉 don’t knock them cos they ‘slipped up’. There is NOTHING wrong with having a balanced diet..
👉 Diet’s don’t always work BUT it’s not for you to point this out.
Let the people you love figure this out for themselves or inspire them to seek support from others who understand what they are going through.
👉 If a loved one opens up about struggling try not to shake off their concerns with responses like ‘you don’t look like someone with an eating disorder’. REMEMBER ANYONE CAN STRUGGLE.
Beat the stigma. 💙💙💙
Show support.